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We'll keep you up to date with Mark and what's new on the site!

17th March 2003
STEVE UPDATE! Posted by James the Webby
That's right! Not wrong! Steve's been doing more work than me, as ever, and there's four brand new pictures to be seen within Steve's Album, including one of the only photos taken from the protest when Mark was removed from Virgin. Go now. Not later.
    Actually, don't go then... Go when you've finished reading this...
    In other news... Umm... Yeah, we... We put the logos of stations Mark's been on down the side... That was fun.
    Ahem... Yeah, OK you can go and look at them pictures now.

8th February 2003
NEW LOOK PHOTO ALBUM! Posted by James the Webby
So let me tell you a story.
    Steve sent me a new picture, the Pop Idle one to the left, there... So when I come to put it on the site, I realise it takes me faaaar too long to do a simple thing like add a picture to the site.
    Long story short, I went on an adventure to find a way of making it easier to add pictures, and I found one. And you can see the results in the photo album now!
    And if you don't like it, I don't particularly care because it's easier to update!

17th January 2003
2 NEW SOUNDS! Posted by James the Webby
No, your eyes aren't on fire, 2 new sounds to end your perfect week.
    By special request of Mark himself, I've put up 2 of his favourite wind-ups from back in those ol' Millennium and Invicta days.
    Go to the Sounds page to hear them now!

    Oh and, I finally got round to moving the site over to Dreamweaver so, if you spot anything that doesn't work, tell me!

13th January 2003
AN UPDATE OF SOME SORT Posted by James the Webby
Alright, so Mark calls me up, he does... and he says, "Oi Jim, I daan't kner 'baat yer, but aah think it's baen 'whaal since y'updert'd t' e merls." So I said, "Yeah, you're probably right." He sent me some Emails he'd recieved, I put them on the site.
    Go to the Emails page to feel the love.

6th January 2003
HAPPY NEW YEAR, YOU LOT! Posted by James the Webby
What did I say on my last post? I said there'd be more photos than you could wave a stick at (if you don't believe me, look down). And, to bring in the New Year, 6 days late, here they are! Some wonderful photos of Mr Mark Fox doing what he does best at Invicta FM.
    Have a look now, if you've ever wondered what Mark looks like outside of his 2 Virgin photos, they're in the Photo Album.

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