We'll keep you up to date with Mark and what's new on the site!
30th September 2004
Yup, yup... Well, the subject about says it all, Mark's made up a demo from his time at the Noise, and... You can get it now! From the sounds page! 15th September 2004
Good morning/afternoon/evening/g'night etc... My neighbours! Posted by Mark Fox
Well......That's it....More or less...another summer all but the vinegar strokes, over! And how was yours?
I had a cool (hot) 1 through June and know the usual stuff.....Sitting naked on the roof being filmed by Sky traffic copter and getting £250.00 for the footage from Justin Wilkes' people (You've been framed u 'ducking aunts')
And then August came...and I went to 'Hull and Back'!!
Picture the scene, If you will....A Funny man with a moon face and a habit for not being anywhere, ever...A good trick if you can do it ill have you know....asks me to go to Hull for no more than me X's and all the take away food you can drink (sic) to present a Drive time show (the breakfast had already been promised to a skinny local lad with a pug face and a serious need for a chest (Allan Ladd. I mean Lake..... Lake Ladd! Yes that's him!
The studio was a dream gig. Installed above a 'dead pub' near the River shiv on the good ship lollypop( I lied about the lollypop ship bit) The studios, remarkably good for an RSL (restricted service licence) and what with Badgers extensive pikey Knowledge he managed to 'obtain/liberate/steal a keg of lager and cleaned the lines (for they must be clean) and connected it up to the 'dead pub'...which promptly became 'The Fox and Badger' Public hostillery or whatever the 'dual' you call it.
And THAT was all before we mention the shows that we made upstairs with Lakey on breakfast and Wyatt in the afternoons and me on Drive and some bloke called Dan Moretitz on evenings !!....Oooh and Jayson and Andy Pearson.........well everyone who I haven't mentioned but didn't...If I've missed you out I probably didn't really like you.
I'm putting a tape together of the 'best bits' from the month which originally featured over 60 hours of highlights but after some 'heated words' with the publishers has been squashed into 90 mins (the length of a c-90) and will be available through major outlets (or If that's a lie, my website) probably with me paying for your Bloody postage!!!!
I've also asked the loveable, if not slightly elusive, James the webby to stick up a few new games that Chubby Steve has done(He'll love being called that!, I'm quite sure)and also a couple of new sounds! There's a 'best of' type malarkey effort from the aforementioned 'Chubby Queen of the Community' Steve. It's crude in its making but Good cause I'm on it(I'm really pissing him off now)No, Its a good tape of some bits from 'The Noise' and the other is a bit of a 'soopa bloopa' when , on thinking we had gone off air through adverse weather conditions, Wyatt and myself let loose with a few expletives. We had been assured that the Internet feed was also down as well as the FM frequency so.....welll.......the FM frequency was down but If you'd been listening on thee net, which NOT ACTUALLY DOWN, you would have heard This..........Listen and judge for yourself!!
I've got people to see about gigs just as soon as I can locate someone with a 'tape to tape' player so's I can make my demo (No Cool edit pro for me) a good ole tape to tape!!! So er if you've got 1 spare please donate it....anyway as soon as I make the tape I'll ask Jim (what 2 updates........doubtful) to put it up!
Meantime, don't forget the chat room is open (I DO) every Monday night from 4pm till late (6.30pm last week) so please try and come. Also e mail me at [email protected] if, in time you'd like a 'best of Noise' compilation.
A heartfelt and slightly singed by autumn winds...
Oooh and could a few of you add a gallery or 2 in the community.....thank you
Now DUAL OFF YOU DUCKING AUNT (predicted text swearing)
M. 16th July 2004
But first things first, of course, a very happy 20th birthday to Mr Mark Fox for this coming Monday. Not saying he's 20, just it's only the 20th he can actually remember, so that's what we call it.
But yes, you did indeed hear right! Mark Fox will be back embracing the airwaves this August... And if you don't live in Hull, and we wouldn't blame you, he can always embrace your internetty things, too.
'The Noize', which is the spelling Mark gave me and I'm not 100% confident about, is a new rock station doing trial broadcasts throughout August accross hull and the surrounding areas, and yes, they'll also be broadcasting online, details to follow regarding that.
So here's the most important bit, our Mark Fox has got himself the drivetime show, 4-7PM every weekday for the duration.
More details are sure to follow, watch this space. 17th February 2004
Yup, in honour of my new record amount of can't-be-arsed-ness, Steve whipped up a little something so the news doesn't have to stay on the front page.
Come to think of it, having the snow and the Christmas thing on the front page for so long probably looked really bad...
Still, for those of you who crave hilarity from this site, there's a new interview up, this time with graphics and games man Steve. Go read it now. 5th December 2003

And what more can be said? You're invited to join us in the chat room on the 19th for a good Christmas larf, just like the good old days! See you there! < Later news 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Older news > |