If you send Mark an email, it might just end up here!
Oh and, I don't correct your grammar like I do for
Mark so, everyone can laugh at you.
Your ideal spot on TalkSPORT would be Charlie Wolf's weekend overnights
- I hope you get it. All the best Mark.
Hey Mark,
Thanks for the tape, I got it last week.
Hope you're well and hope to hear you back on the airwaves very
Hi Mark,
Is it too late to request a tape of your best-bits???? I'm so
fed up of listening to absolute rubbish on the radio, especially
in my car, and would love to hear someone interesting and funny
who knows
what radio entertainment is all about. I really hope you get back
the radio soon, good luck.
Lisa Ward xxxxx
Bless you! Thanks Mark. Don't suppose you've got
any work lined up? No djing or anything? Maybe we can arrange a
night of excessive
drinking for you and all your fans? (and maybe Mr P, if he's not
the bee
gee that isn't "
staying alive")
Thanks again Lisa clarke x
mark and paula
i used to love your show on millenium and after a couple of weeks
on holiday you disappeared without a trace where are you on now
neil higginson
hay a radio presenter....well...sort
radio really...
i just want to say thanks to you for making me keep going and
to not give up till i make it...
thanks again
ur biggest fan (not stan)
Well Mark
It's good to see you are contactable even if your not on air.
I used to listen to you every morning at my office desk in Australia.
having a laugh and not getting any work done my boss wanted to
why are internet bill had gone up $425 per month since I joined
3 months
ago. Now I am happy to report I get a lot more work done, Virgin
has gone
to the dogs and I heard a horrible rumour your working for
Asda radio(which I believe is a supermarket!).
I think it's time you got an agent who can get you a really top
gig. I was once in radio myself in Ireland and I would rate you
in the top 5 DJ's I have heard, along with Tony Blackburn, Simon
Bates, Noel
Edmunds........just joking!
Keep up the site AND GET A GIG (make sure you can internet stream
p.s Good to heard Frank Butcher
pps Remember getting a good laugh out of "dancing President
Bush" that was me.
Life has a funny way of suprising you when you least expect it!!
any chance of a signed Brian Sponge photo?
xxx P
did u get your disco stuff?are u still gigging at lewisham on friday?why
r testicles on the outside?
Well Mark
I tried to work out what radio station you are talking about in
your email but couldn't. Don't know too much about U.K radio. Something
I did find quit funny was that you mentioned old Johnny boy.
Now John is an interesting character. In 1987 he was the girls
favourite doing a show in Ireland called "Club orange schools
Basically it was on at 7.00pm every weekday and John used to let
a couple of school girls into the studio every weeknight.(Not sure
what he did with
them off air). You could send John a very shabby picture of himself
in 1987 on Energy 103. It's pretty bad and it's on the web.
Anyway son keep up the search.
Over and under
p.s If you want the picture of John I can give you the link.
Dara Dennis
most excellent night friday,did u get re-booked for this friday?
you got a bloody good deal on the kit did'nt u?
whats so special about the drink on the 28th?is it your birthday?is
it still on?
questions,questions....anyway....up yer graham norton
Hi Mark!
What a wonderful surprise to receive your email! Im writing
to you from Nashville where I moved 6 weeks ago! I have only
checked my emails
a few times since being here, as the internet launderette 'Harvey
Washbangers' has closed down since I was last here!
Anyway here I am checking them, and I got your email! Im replying
to you and attaching some photos that Mum sent me - one is a recent
one of a photo that posted to her which she has scanned in to
her computer
and emailed half of the Western Civilisation, as it's of me and
Dolly Parton!!!! I met her completely by accident a few weeks ago
in the Country
Music Hall of Fame! I couldn't believe it!!! The second one is
one that
my little sister found in the garage and is of me in Australia
10 (gasp Im
so old!) years ago!!! I don't know how to separate the two, so
sorry you
had to get that one as well!!!!
I am so happy to hear your news and hope to keep in touch more
often now, please come and visit anytime with your family, and
please tell Mr P and Julie (and new Baby) that they are welcome
too! In fact all of you come, what the hell I have a double blow
up bed and a settee!!!
I finally snagged the agent that I wanted before I left London,
after 2 years of wooing him! He is Jools Holland's (swoon) manager,
and he is called Paul Loasby. The reason Im mentioning this is
because he also looks after Janice Long, and I thought that you
could maybe contact him and see if he may have some DJ oppurtunities
that you could go
for? I will tell him about you next time I speak with him (about
you being
the best, wittiest, funniest and most fantastic DJ that ever there
was) and
if you want to call him here's his number: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Well I better
go, Im off to an exercise class! Im still on my neverending
diet and am trying exercise as a new idea at the moment, to see
if running round and doing situps means I can eat still
pizza and not put weight on! (not working as yet Im afraid but
I'll keep
you posted! :o)
Big Big Hugs and Cowboy Boots to you!
Please say hello to Julie and Mr P - and new Baby if it's arrived
yet! My number here if you ever need it is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
All My Love and Banana's at Osamas,
Edwina xxxxx
I’ve just called Lulu to tell him that I’ve
just got an email from that nutcase at Virgin Radio. The one who
made my rib cage ache every morning whilst in HK. Funniest bloke
to hit the waves of air. Virgin Radio lost my ears when Mark Fox
moved on. Glad to hear you’re still around and even gladder
to hear that young Frances is hooked on Scotty and Lulu music.
The Sars virus which is cruising the HK Hotspots
has put an end to all forms of entertainment in Asia including
the wild whacky
antics of Scotty and Lulu so all our gigs have been cancelled and
I’m back in the UK looking for ways to exploit the under
7s kiddy music market. Lulu is writing music for UK telly and Lou
P Lou has just finished touring with Bryan Ferry. Fi Fi T is getting
married in June and Scotty and Lulu hope to get back on stage as
soon as possible preferably in the UK where there are no Sars infected
projectiles of kiddy spittle and snot firing out from our young
We’ve got a new CD out so email me your address and I’ll
pop a copy of ‘Fish Food’ in the post for Frances.
Sorry I’ve run out of the Fi and Lou sexy underwear shots.
I’ll be taking some more soon but we do have some cute ones
of Lulu in his Speedo’s for your wife.
Thanks again for all those momentous moments of rib tickling Virgin
Big snogs
Hello Mark, lost track of you
after millennium, found your web page after entering my own name!
have you still got the Frank Butcher song?
Mark Fox
When can I listen to you on the radio again?
You're a genius as a DJ, and I think it's just commercial motives
that stop people hiring you - everyone I've listened to since your
forced departure from Virgin, hasn't half of your character/spark,
and has 'toed the line' by playing exactly what the station requires
and all the (bl**dy annoying) adverts, promotions etc. to boot...
I can kind of understand why the radio stations
try to employ faceless DJs that toe the line... since these stations
are funded entirely by advertising. So perhaps you should be aiming
at stations that are subscription-based rather than free.... I,
for one, would pay to listen to your programmes.
BTW, in case it makes you feel any better, I haven't listened to
Virgin since they dropped you. And I've told them so - more than
once! - but it doesn't seem to have had any effect :-(
I just cannot put up with DJs who are reading a script written by
their management and playing the prescribed songs over and over
and over again... without any input of their own...heck, I can program
a computer to do that; but, whilst I'm programming computers, I
want to listen to something less mechanical.
I always enjoyed listening to your shows on Virgin, and even used
to adjust my sleeping hours to fit in with them - just ask my boss!
Keep trying, a (belated) Happy New Year to you, and I hope to be
a listener again soon!
"Up your flaps!" ;-)
Take care,
Hey Mark,
What a wonderful message!
Have a fab Christmas and lets' hope that you're on our radio airwaves
again very soon.
Love to you and Mr. P.
Hello Mark,
How are you doing? I hope well! I wish you amerry x-mas and a happy
new year. Hope to hear you soon on air again.
Your fan,
P.S.: Happy x-mas to you and your family!
i hereby apply for your "best bits"
on CD.
Did u say cd or tape? (if not on cd why not :) I'll gladly burn
u few dozen for ya or maybe 1-200 the cd's are only pennies now)
Missed u on the radio mate but ive got a few rather long mp3 shows
which i recorded from dab (u want copies?)
Take care buddy and i hope ur back on the wireless soon (i have
btw havent listened to virgin from that day to this
hello, thanks for the offer of that tape, would love a copy. Really
miss you on the radio, you'd definitely be in my all time great virgin
line up!
Merry christmas to you and hope to hear you on the radio in the new
year...(not virgin tho cos its crap now...)
Cheers mate,
Remember me?
I would love I copy of your tape, I could even send some franked
stamps to the value of 27p have 30 of them left over from xmas cards
that I didn't send if you would like them they're yours. Just let
me know.
Anyway hope all is well with you and I hope that you have a great
Christmas and new year.
Hi Mark,
I would love a copy of your compo tape to remember all of the best
moments of your fantastic show. In all honesty, there hasn't been
a single radio show since that has matched yours in terms of wit
and humour. And lets not forget some great tunes too.
I don't know if you remember but I was the first person that phoned
you with the idea of making an official website for you. I lost
out to James but still, it was fun havin' a go!
Cheers and have a great Xmas.
Hi Mark,
Lee here, your old pal from RTM! It has been a while and from looking
at your web site it seems like you have been busy. I had no idea
you were on Virgin Radio and am sad to say that I didn't get to
hear you. I have checked out some of your demo tapes on the web
site though, and have to say that I feel you should have added a
bit more of "I couldn't believe it!!" for good measure
It would be really great to hear from you and see how you, Paula
and the family are getting on. I now live with Rosie, who you met
briefly at Millennium, in a small flat in St Johns Wood and work
in Camden Town, where are you now? It would be great to meet up
sometime and share some old memories.
Hope to hear from you soon,
And like that, he was gone.........
hello mark and paula hope the family is well
.mornings just are not the same without your used to make
a sad morning happy and nobody else on the radio can do that!!!!!!
still miss you lots all the best Brod Bassett
Hi Keith, You still an annoying pin dick tosser
with a voice to vival Charlotte Church??
Very good to hear you on Talksport, i loved it! Pissed myself laughing!
So the wrestling show finishes, next show stars, wrestling fans
start to cool down after a couple of hours of "Whos gonna win
this, whos gonna win that???"- then "THE FOX" comes
in with "i dont really get wrestling, everyone knows its acting!"
Fan`Fucking`Tastic! You sounded very at home on Talk.
Job hunting is going ok. I've been offered some late night stuff
in the north on some EMAP stations which would be a laugh, I did
the really cheeky thing of sending my Demo out MP3 style- getting
loads of small stations yelling at me for blocking their networks...ha..ha..
So im up to sunny Humberside (all the way from the sodding Isle
of Shite) next week to talk. Which is nice!
You got anymore stuff coming up??
A man goes to a disco and starts chatting up a very attractive looking
Chinese girl. After a night of cavorting, she asks him back to her
place for "coffee".
They get back to her flat and she tells him to help himself to a
drink whilst she slips into something more comfortable. Just as
the bloke's about to finish his scotch and coke, the incredibly
sexy Chinese seductress returns wearing only a see-through negligee.
"I am your sex slave!," she announces.
"I will do ANYTHING your precious heart desires!"
The man can't quite believe his luck and says, whilst licking his
lips in anticipation, "Hmmmmm, well a 69 would really hit the
spot." F ** K OFF!!!" the Chinese girl replies angrily.
"I am not cooking for you at this time of night."
I haven't written to you personally before,
but I thought it was time to do so... I listened to your show on
Virgin for a number of months at the end of last year and radio
has never been as good either before or after that period.
I've sent angry emails to two different program controllers at Virgin
- including Paul Johnson as soon as I tuned into your show and found
you missing - but they have yet to see sense; I can't understand
Quite simply, you are the best, and funniest, DJ I have ever listened
to; I hope that you will soon make it back onto national radio so
that I can listen to you once again.
Best of luck, and thanks for all the laughs.
Hello... Met you at invicta... You in work at the mo? Might be a
gig goin?
mail back.
DAVE BETHELL - presenter - Drivetime - Hallam FM
Hi Mark,
I am looking for a CB arial preferably one that has come from a
car owned by a DJ such as Steve Wright it can be up to 20 years
old and originates from London. Can you help me? I will be standing
outside the Pink Flamingo (and ill probably be crying in the rain!!!!)
at midnight on Thursday.
How are you , you old bleeder, ring me soon or E mail me or else!!!
Hope to see you soon,
Hi Mark,
Hmmm, well, I could be wrong but I think you just might be someone
I knew a long, long time ago. I just came across your site, purely
by chance, and listened to some of your stuff. You (I think you)
did the DJ biz on a tape you made for me a LIFETIME ago! Did you
use to live in Northampton, the Harborough Road methinks? Was your
handle 'Falcon' on the C.B. radio? Is your birthday on 19th July?
If I am wrong then you have a double, mate!!
I was a drama student at Nene College and I came from Nottingham.
If you are the Mark Fox I know, then you visited me in Nottingham
a couple of times. Do you remember putting Haircut One Hundred's
"Love Plus One" ten times on a
pub's juke box just to annoy all the punters?!
Well, just in case you don't know me, I won't say any more! Would
love to hear from you if you are my ol' mate!
Loads of good wishes,
Hello Mark,
My name is Allan Lake and I really wanted to make contact with you
as I think your great ON AIR. I've recently been fired from Capitals
"POWER FM" in Hampshire because they suddenly decided
that they didn't want personalities ON AIR- apparently just going
to the phones and taking live calls is just unprofessional. I wasn't
anything special at Power, just did late night weekends. Just wanted
to talk to you about what you think I should do now.
I know its fucking cheeky just to mail you, but I thought if anyone
would be able to give me advice on getting back into personality,
it would be you! I'm from the Isle of Wight (fecking inbreds!) and
started on Isle of Wight Radio, then got fired in early 2002 for
a feature entitled "Bin Laden Reads The Bible"- well I
thought it was funny. Anyway, then I moved to Power, did my stuff,
seemed to be going well- then I get told that they want to refine
the station into "NON STOP HITS, NON STOP VARIETY" and
I wouldn't fit into that category.
Just wondered what you think I should do now, I'd totally understand
if you told me to fuck off and sort it out myself.
Allan Lake
just found your e-mail, i have not listend to virgin
since those bastards sacked u, just a quick note to let u know your
fans r still missing u.i use to listen to u all night, and then
go to work at 8.u r a talent that just as to be on natioal radio.
keep your pecker up, but try not to play with it.
regards nigel in hartlepool
hello mr
why aren't you on virgin radio anymore?
the station is so poor now that i have found myself
listening to radio one, i didn't think i would be doing that again?
anyway, what ever you are doing man, have a good one!
virgin needs you!
Grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot
The courage to change the things I cannot accept,
And the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people
I had to kill today because they pissed me off.
And also, help me to be careful of the toes I step
today as they may be connected to the ass that I
may have to kiss tomorrow.
Help me to always give 100% at work .........
12% on Monday
23% on Tuesday
40% on Wednesday
20% on Thursday
5% on Fridays
And help me to remember ......
When I am having a really bad day,
And it seems that people are trying to piss me off,
That it takes 42 muscles to FROWN and only
4 to extend my arm
and smack the asshole in the mouth!
Dear whoever is
reading this
Without Mark Fox and Mr P broadcasting on Virgin Radio
I suppose I will have to go back to listening to Radio 4 on the
internet . . . Aaaaagh!!! Please bring back the brilliant duo -
they were the funniest and most entertaining DJs on British Radio.
Radio needs personalities like Mark Fox and Mr P -
Especially internet radio - In my opinion it's a big mistake removing
them from Virgin Radio.
ps - I've listened to the other DJs at Virgin and to
tell you the truth you boys and girls at Virgin Radio have just
thrown away your golden egg!
Have a jolly wormy day
Scott Ligertwood
as a shift worker
starting at 3am i stumbled onto your show 'cos all night radio sounded
the same....krap!!! but yours.....wowooow some one who bucked the
system, and fonda...what a turn on she was.a load of funny moments
from your show too many to mention. :( sad to hear of your sacking
but they say a true genius is never reckognised till its too late...(did
u ever post a
piccy of fonda???)
hope to hear you soon, somewhere??
Hi Mark
Devastated I was when my worst fears were confirmed
on your official, unofficial website.
I believe, in this world of cardboard cutout announcers
with their inane utterings, you were doing something really different
and entertaining. Thank you.
Your shift started at 12pm in my working day in Sydney
and I was singing your praises far and wide. I have signed the petition
on your website and will e-mail Virgin directly, however I am confident
some more mature radio station will scoop you up and that you will
be available via the web at a time less suited to yourself but more
suited to my listening hours!
Hopefully the website will keep us informed.
Kind regards and best of luck.
alrite mark how
r u?
my names samantha and ive got one thing 2 ask you......
im a big fan of your show and i missed a week when
i was in hospital and when i came out you werent on! so wots up
there m8?
luv sam from gillingham
p.s say hi to mr.p badger and a big hello to yourself!
Hey Mark,
What happened? Did the "boss" have enough
of being called Pig Vomit or did you already know you were going
when you launched that appeal to the listeners to email "Pig
Vomit" and get you and Jon Holmes to host the breakfast show
instead of Daryl Denham?
You were going to call to schedule another massage
or reflexology session, I'm looking forward to stimulating your
prostate! Behave! It's a pressure point on your foot! Treat yourself,
though, give me a call and I'll do you a treatment to help get you
over the shock of being treated so badly by Virgin.
Anyway, hope to hear you again soon. Good luck at the
radio/media jobcentre.
Regards and best wishes to Steve (Mr. P), tell him
to make the most of this (hopefully) short break from 2 jobs (or
was it 3?) and get some proper sleep.
Stay mad and fun,
Dear Mr Fox,
I was deeply saddened by your sudden departure from Virgin Radio
and would like to express my condolences. I hope that if Virgin
do not come to their senses and reinstate you forthwith, you find
yourself a better place where not only the listeners, but the management
team, really, truly appreciate your greatness, your wit, and cutting
edge broadcasting.
Yours sincerely,
hi mark
i hope all is well with you and mr p and your respective
families (is fonda's surname really cox?). as you are aware there
should be a good turn out monday and realistically we both know
that you probably wont get back at virgin it will be good to give
them a headache. i miss your show and feel robbed coz it was the
nuts. all the best for the future and dont change. remember the
track i always requested? "something inside so strong"
think of it whenever you lose heart coz it gives the morale a bit
of a boost like hitler was a bit of a nazi. we'll do our best for
you monday and thanks for the laughs.
Hello Mark,
What the heck is going on?
I cannot understand how or why Virgin could have replaced
you & Mr.P. with....? what's his face, Neil Francis, he's shite!!
To be honest, I've resorted to listening to Classic
FM. Which I'm sure you'll agree is protest in itself. The thing
is there's nothing else like your show out there! and the nights
pass a lot slower since you've been off air.
I run a management consultancy we
offer surveying services to Utilities and local government. We recently
started a new contract for Thames Water (for whom we do a lot of
work) which involves whizzing around London at night checking jobs
that TW did juring the day. Anyway, like all new contracts, I like
to do the thing myself to see what's involved before I sublet the
work. Thing is (getting to the point) I've enjoyed it so much (largely
because of your show) that I'm still doing the nights and managing
other business in the afternoon.
However, if you're not back on air soon, I think I'll
have to jack in the nights!
I just hope Virgin come to their sences soon and reinstate
you folks and if not, please let me know what you're up to or what
radio station you go to, because even if it's "Jimmy's Stoke
Mandeville Hospital FM", I'll be tuning in.
Regards and good luck
well had a week
off of work come back tuned in no mark fox thought you are on leave
but to find out you have been sacked what the fuck happen are they
pricks at virgin fuck fuck fucking hell just starting to enjoy radio
again some thing different some thing better some thing too put
a smile on me face some thing to keep me going through the night
now back to the same old shit will not be tuning in now they are
giving so much money away just to get people to listen not to listen
to the djs or music well that somes it up well i am sorry for you
please email me or put on your web site when you get on air again.
I enjoyed
your show as it took the boredom out of working nights. I think
that your listeners, especially the ones on your site are tops.
Can you tell me the name of the woman who used to smoke for you?
i think she was called janet, she sounded quite horny.
as for virgin radio, fuck them if they cant take a joke
please say hello to tp Mr. P (Pigs willy oink,oink and badger)
Mike proctor
I don't know if you recognise me but I have phoned
your show a few times. I just wanted to say thatnk you for the great
radio you did and hope to hear you soon again on another station
if not Virgin. Just to let you know I have written a petition and
feel proud of it I have "copied-and-pasted" it underneath
in case you feel like reading it. Before I go, I have a question,
are you gonna go to anyother station? Did you receive any other
proposals from other stations? If so please let me know.
Thank you very much.
I was
gutted to hear that you had been removed from virgin, and i was
just e-mailing to wish you the very best for the future and to say
thank you for the best 4 months of radio i have ever heard. Good
luck to you and Mr. P, I hope things work out for you both.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Mark
I am very sorry about you shack from its wrong and
it not right and in fact its not fair ...
me and along with brooksie and the fish are
working towards giving you the strength for the fight ahead ...
i am going to go on the show tonight .....
i must say i have enjoyed your show with you blend
of humour and chat and bullshit are the best thing on that
radio station i will protest and not listen to the show untill you
are back on the air ...
i will try and get as many people on to write to you
as possible and also brooksie and the fish in person ..
I hope you keep yourself well and happy and will not
give up ............
From you no .1 fan Nathan aka English Boy
Hi There Mark You
Top Bastard,
We are trying to make room for you in the studio here
at NetFM. Is being paid with Jack Daniels still OK?
On a serious note, we hope things work out for you
and keep in touch. If there is anything we can do to help things
along, let us know.
Good Luck
Brooksie and The Fish
Hi Mark,
well what can I say. I am completely and utterly devastated
about what has happened. It is truly the most ridiculous decision
I have ever heard of. You're show IS (not was!!) brilliant fun and
great entertainment...something that I looked forward to hearing
every night. I have a 9-5 job...and it takes something quite special
to keep me awake until 4 in the morning, but that is exactly what
your programme is...SPECIAL. Although I needed to sleep...all I
wanted to do was listen to you guys. Just a great show, Mark. To
be honest your only rivals on the radio are Mark and Lard on radio1...and
that is very high praise indeed!
I can honestly say that I will never listen to Virgin
again...and that is a real shame because I do like the mix of music...but
I will NEVER listen to them again I am so disgusted. Their treatment
of you is just so so do not deserve it. Indeed, you were
by far the best DJ and had the best show, so you would have thought
they would be doing everything that they could to keep you. It is
complete madness Mark. A big, big mistake by is certainly
no bad reflection on you....and I can promise you that your fans
are very very loyal and we will follow you wherever you go. I can't
believe you're not on tonight. It is such a great show...really
Mark I am absolutely gutted. Please get yourself back on somewhere
soon......and when you do don't change a thing....One request though,
you need to be on a national station, I'm in Manchester - so don't
get on anywhere where I can't hear you :-)
Once again, Mark, thanks for the show. You have brightened
up the nights and days of many, many people....and we all appreciate
it. Looking forward to hearing you guys very, very soon and battering
Virgin in the ratings (won't be hard!!!).
Best wishes to you...and Mr.P and
the gang!!
Up your flaps!!! :-)
Hello from Leatherhead.
'Paul from Leatherhead' here, mark my word, wankers!!!
What the hell do they think they are doing??
Great to see that they did not cut your tounge out
and tatoo virgin on it for sale in their shop.
By the way, i got a call from a mate this morning,
and twat-boy on the breakfast show was playing a remix of the frank
butcher song..........
He is to blame for me getting drunk all day now!!!
He has stolen your song... (dont worry, we will get
Anyway, good to here that you are still alive,
keep us informed of whats going on mate.
Hope You and the bearded terriost are well,
Just a quick note
to say "THE BASTARDS!". What the hell is wrong with that
company? You and the team were the first guys on a music radio show
to make me laugh out loud for a long long time.
I've signed the petition, I've posted on the message board and I'm
about to mail the management at Virgin (if they are capable of lifting
their knuckles from the floor and reading an email).
Christ on a bike. What a bunch of tossers!
Chin up and hope you are back on air soon.
PS There's always Australia :)
Hey Foxy
I am absolutely shocked and gutted to hear that you
have been sacked from Virgin Radio. I tuned in on 1 o'clock to have
a laugh cos you made me laugh and there was some guy called Nick
Francis, I can't believe they sacked you. You was the best DJ they
had on and I imagine night time listeners was high. You actually
gave a bit of comedy aswell as playing music, all the other DJs
do not chat at all. I was a loyal listener right from when you had
your trial back in October, I loved your show.
I wish you, MR P, Badger and the rest of your crew
the best of luck for whatever you choose to do next.
Good luck to you the real foxy!!
Commiserations on getting the sack. Who knows what
goes through the tiny little minds of those allegedly in the know?
You were undoubtedly the best DJ Virgin had (closely followed by
Penky) and now you are no more.
I guess I won't get a reply to this because hopefully
you'll get millions of these e-mails, but I'm expressing my support
for you 1000%, I signed your petition and I e-mailed theose ARSES
at Virgin. If there's anything else we can do let us know.
Keep us posted through your website as to where you
are going etc., even if I have to erect (oo-er) a 1000 foot aerial
I'll listen in wherever you go.
I'm probably going to get the sack now, as night security
I need something stimulating to keep me awake at nights and you
were cheaper than prostitutes.
I'm gonna talk my girlfriend into letting me send you
a picture of her titties now, maybe they'll cheer you up, they do
Peace, love and eternal Happiness
I was a dedicated listener of
your show, never quite had the balls to give you a call but was
always there listening!!
I am utterly disgusted at what Virgin have done, your
show was the only thing that kept me sane (and nearly got me fired
for being late to work every day!!)
One question though, we're talking about doing a demonstration,
the people at Virgin how peed off we are, do you think this will
anywhere? I'm willing to handcuff myself to Neil Francis if I have
to, though I will probably fall asleep as he's such a boring sod.
Totally, totally gutted.
Your fan,
So so so sad to hear you will no longer be on Virgin,
why and how they sacked you i don't quite get, but it seems like
a really dumb idea.
I loved listening to you show (in fact i was so sad
i used to have conversations about you and your show with my mate).
Erm? not really sure what to write. i just wanted you
to know that everyone will really miss you and to wish you good
luck with your future career. I will definatley listen!
gonna boycott Virgin now, well..... except John Holmes
cos he rocks!
Anyhoo, give my love to Mr P and COME BACK SOMEWHERE
Lots of love
Dear Mark,
Just wanted to send you a message to tell you how great
you are and how gutted I am not to hear you on the radio any more.
Yours and Jon Holmes' shows were the only things worth listening
to not only on virgin, but on radio generally. Your show was fab
- it was funny, and the music was totally fab. I loved all of the
little songs, and Brussels sprouts rocked!!!
My best friend Amy is at uni in Lincoln, and I am at
uni in London, and we both used to listen to your show every night.
it did mean that we used to turn up to our lectures the next morning
completely shattered, but it was worth it. I know that she has sent
you an e mail too.
I'm sure that you will be able to get another radio
show soon, and wherever you are, we'll be listening.
take care,
Lots and lots of love to you all
Chrissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s. we are both not listening to Virgin anymore. Am currently listening
to nme radio, but it sux ass compared to your show
U have probably already had loads of correspondance
to your e-mail address but felt I had 2 send u this. What the Hell
R Virgin all about?! I have made my feelings clear on the message
board and signed the petition as well. I had to get an essay for
Uni done and stayed up 2 the wee small hrs a couple of weeks before
Christmas listin 2 u and Mr P doin what u do best broadcasting a
truly great show. That certainly helped me get through that nite
along with one or 2 black coffees. The way you let people (including
me) phone in completly live 2 Air makes quality radio. Anyway i'm
sure if Virgin do not take u back then you will be employed elsewhere
very very quickly.I really do hope that we will hear you broadcasting
too the million plus listeners worldwide at the same time slot on
Good luck and Best wishes for the
Hi Mark,
Firstly I,d like to say how sorry that those wankers,
got rid of the only resonable and decent DJ on their station,hope
that your missus and kids are helping keep your chin up, I only
happened to listen to you on the off chance one night several months
ago, and as I work night shift in a hotel in Belgium, you helped
keep me awake at nights,at times nearly pissing myself laughing
at you and Mr P,s antics. I truely hope, that your back on the air
soon, because I miss hearing your voice at night,your a decent bloke,and
I,m sure somebody out there will get you back on the air, oh and
good luck with your wedding to Paula, I hope that your all happy
for lots of years to come.
Best Wishes
James (33)
Anja (32)
Jamie (2)
Toby (5)
By the way I told my kids about you, and the youngest
can now say ARSE.
Take Good Care of Yourself, and best wishes to Mr P,
hi mark
heard you for the first time in december i am a trucker
that works nights i am well gutted to hear your news, you were the
best thing on night radio . Keep us all posted on were youll be
next good luck.
I cannot believe that virgin have done what they have
done. (They're Barclays Bankers for sure).
I work nites on the road, and they ain't the same without
you and Mr P there.
Would appreciate knowing if you get another slot on
a decent station! Would appreciate knowing the frequency of the
station be it FM, MW or LW.
Perhaps you should start up Bearded Arse FM! could
be a winner?
Gotta be better than F'Kin Vir### FM No Can't say it.
All the best to you my friend in what ever you do.
I only started listening
over christmas, but kinda noticed your originality and got hooked
pretty quickly! the night when talk radio were slagging u off have
to say was pretty funny on yours and mr p's part :)
Anyway... good luck with wherever you end up and hope
to be hearing you again sooner rather than later
hey, where'd u go??!!!!!!
can u let us all know when u are coming back to virgin, if not,
what station ur going to and i'm sure ur fans, like me, will listen
to that station instead. virgin are not worth listening to if they
dont want u!
we want u back!!!!!!!!!
Dear Sir,
I feel compelled to write to you regarding the dismissal
of quite frankly one of the most entertaining and original disc
jockey's I have heard for a very long time.
I am appalled at the way Virgin Radio completely ignores
the thoughts/views of the listeners it so heavily relies on. Obviously
the very time at which Mark Fox was on the air did not generate
earth-shattering listener figures, but rest assured after reading
some of the messages on Mark Fox's website it would appear that
your actions have upset and enraged a considerable amount of listeners,
myself included, who feel their loyalty to the station has been
ignored and quite rightly are boycotting the station not only during
the night but during the day as well. One must also add that it
will not only be the direct night-time listeners that are boycotting
the station but friends, colleagues and families of these people
On a similar note we are constantly reminded that Virgin
is the most popular station on the Internet, well there are also
messages from people in Australia, Canada etc - places where Mark
Fox was prime time listening, stating their disgust at this decision
It seems that Virgin Radio's Management seem hell bent
on alienating it's listeners by removing all the good DJ's like
Mark Fox & Steve Penk (who I also feel was treated diabolically
by Virgin) and replacing them with non-entities like Neil Francis
- who although is a good DJ in his own right - is no comparison
to Mark Fox and quite frankly sends me, my colleagues on night-shift
and most of the other listeners to sleep!
It will be interesting to see how this messy situation
affects the RAJAR figures for the station, I am hoping the listener
figures have dropped significantly for you to realise the mistake
you have made.
I am a relatively new listener to Virgin and enjoy
it's music immensely but I feel I cannot listen to a station that
does not appear to give a damn about it's DJ's or listeners or who
cannot even be bothered to issue a statement on the matter. It is
a real shame as the station seemed to be getting things right with
respect to music selections and quality DJ's such as Mark Fox, Jon
Holmes, Steve Penk, Pete and Geoff and the new golden boy Daryl
I do hope you will see sense and take note of the extreme
anger and dissatisfaction of your listeners and re-instate Mark
Fox and restore my faith in what I and many others consider to be
the best radio station in the Country, prove to us that it also
is in touch with it's audience and is big enough to admit to making
a mistake.
Ross Bowditch
Ill send you some
pics of Jim sometime. He needs a new woman to replace me (as if
there could be another!!!!!!!!!!!!) and definitely a new career
opportunity in showbiz. Trust me im a careers advisor. Tata for
now. Going to bed. JIms not feeling too good right now so im playing
night nurse. Trust me im a partially trained Lifeguard. Welcome
to jazz club.....mmmmmm nice. This year ill mostly be wearing beach
gear with any luck.
i miss your show
Hello Mark and James!
I am Dave (The Dog) from Calgary, Canada, who up to
this week has been a regular listener to Virgin Radio and specifically
to ... Mr. Mark Fox.
I was quite shocked by the changes at Virgin Radio...some
good (Penk out) but obviously some bad (Fox out)!
Anyway, I figure that since Mr. Fox is a fantastic
DJ, we need to do a grassroots listeners movement in order to re-instate
My idea is for folks like me to not only email Virgin
(done) and sign the petition (done) but also to keep going. As such,
I have enclosed a small (14k) .gif image that we can all put on
our web sites to "continue the cause"!
The link will be to the petition at
and hopefully all will get things straightened out
and Mark will be back to work.
This is the .gif:

Let's get Mark back where he belongs!
Nothing I can say really that hasn't been said and
we don't all know.
But really seems a bit odd axing you and replacing
you with the person they did - straight forward music monkey I might
have understood more....
Hi Mark
Just wanted to offer some basic sympathy, Virgin seem
to be heading 100mph to obscurity, losing their best DJs and taking
the attitude they can keep doing this, wel lI think their wrong,
I liked Virgin when Chris Evans was there, sad to see him leave,
I liked it a bit when Steve Penk was he's gone, and
I loved Virgin when you were your gone. Call me silly
but I dont think I like Virgin anymore :(
You'll have no problems finding another job I'm sure,
and when you do your gonna show Virgin just what a stupid dumbass
mistake they've made.
Take care,
hi,i cannot believe virgin have
given you the have given me some of the best laughs i have
had while driving through the night(I am a truck driver)i hope that
they come to there senses and offer you a grovelling apology,and
you are back on air sooner than later.please keep in touch if you
best wishes
So someone called Mark, though
not the Mark we know, emailed Paul Jackson to see if we could get
any answers this time. And this is the pile of shite that came back:
Dear Mark,
Thank you for your comments, many of which I agree with.
I appreciate your frustrations with Virgin removing your favourite
broadcaster. I hired Mark the first time around when I was at Invicta
and have worked with him twice since, which proves that I have supported
him greatly over the years. I'm afraid there were a variety of reasons
which culminated in Mark leaving Virgin. There are strict Radio
Authority guidelines and we have to adhere to them and to taste
issues, some of which we have fallen fowl of in recent times. We
will still aim to be creative with our broadcasting style and hope
you will continue to listen to Virgin Radio.
Many thanks
Paul Jackson
(editors note) It may be just worth
pointing out that according to an official radio authority source
that there were never any complaints upheld against Mark on Virgin.
Indeed only 1 complaint was ever made about the show and this complaint
was not upheld.)
If you want to send Mark some mail, but don't wanted
listed on here, just mention it in the message.
Likewise, if you don't want your message on this page, but it's
already here, just send a message to me or Mark and I'll take it
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