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We'll keep you up to date with Mark and what's new on the site!

18th July 2003
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK! Posted by James the Webby


But... I never got round to doing any sounds.

14th May 2003
AN UPDATE! Posted by James the Webby
With exams looming, I decided I'd ignored Mark long enough, and I made some time to do a quick update to the site.
There's some new pictures in the Photo Album, including some very old ones of Mark as a lad! And he's still fricking DJing!
There's also a lubberly new email on the email's page (suprise, suprise)... So have a lookee and that, too!

And now, a message from Mark!

"Good Morning my neighbours"!!!

I was minding me own business, passing away the time by irritating my cat (gentle ear flicks tend to do it) I also worry sheep!...Well anyway, all of a sudden and with no feelings for any others James the webby pops up in my messenger screen and says as cool as you like


Now, to the untrained eye that could look just like the word "KABOOM" on a messenger screen, and indeed they would not be wrong. However to anyone who has regular contact with the 7.1 and falling (see hotornot) student webmaster they would know that this is something to look for and to take advantage of in no uncertain terms. Put simply, it means Webby can be arsed to do a bit of work on the site...So quick, give him them photos, Forward him those Emails and quickly write an interesting and funny update.

.......So hello!!.........Seems to be that every time I write an update I'm meeting people in a few days.....but its true I am meeting with a Top, Top p.c. next week whose name I really couldn't say as it may upset him and that could affect his job as P.C. at ***a** *e*d* (You Work it out). I also shouldn't mention probably that I've been onto Mr Ohara at Capital telling him how nice it would be for them to offer me at least Breakfast and possibly an M.D. position on the board as well!!! He must be very busy as he's not responded ....yet!!! I'll keep you posted.

I bought a Disco Yesterday!! Ooooh Yes I did! Mr P., Badger and I went off to St. Albans and met a lovely chap called Tony, who took us to an ex girlfriends house Where he held her down and we took everything we could from the garage and quickly loaded into Badger's bakery van (Does anyone want to buy a cheap garden hose).... We now have a lovely Disco Equipped with the Mother of all amps (6 million watts...or 600...) And some proper eighties Infinity mirrors and projectors!!!.......and a garden hose!!

So, whilst I await my next Radio calling, Myself and the Badger will entertain the masses Via our new ,old Disco (feel free to book us thru the Website) Its how I started , Discos and I feel quite excited at the thought of all that totty....I mean hard work entertaining the live audiences etc!

Ooooh can I just give a mention to an old friend of mine, Jerome who contacted me when he heard me on Virgin and gave me his phone number. Jerome, it wasn't the right number!!! So if you're reading this can you get in touch thru the Website or my talk21 addy which is [email protected]. And that goes for all of you lot as well. If you've got a good name for the disco or you need to serve me with legal papers!

I'm not sure but I think Webby's gonna put some new piccies and recent E mails up at the same time as this update which will be Mmmm Nice!!!

And don't forget the community. It gets lonely!!!

As I listen to New Order on TOTP2 let me leave you with this last thought;

Didn't Blue Monday sound shyte live?


Keep the faith.


The hose is approx. 11 metres long, will take a fiver. No timewasters.

1st May 2003
OUR MR P'S A DADDY! Posted by James the Webby

24th April 2003
MORE STEVE! Posted by James the Webby
While Mark's been out on his neverending job search, and I've been sat around doing studenty things... Steve's been working hard as ever to bring us ever more of his wonderful piccies!
Have a look at all 23 new piccies in Steve's bit of the photo album!

29th March 2003
How's it hanging?

As I lay in bed last night tossing and.....turning (actually not so much turning) and having recently recovered from a bout of Food poisoning, Mr P. says it couldn't have bee the margarine but I have my doubts!!!...Anyway as I lay there I thought to myself....Mmmmmm nice! But just before that bit I thought ' I must say hello to everyone, via the site and let em know I'm still alive, if they could care'!!

I mean, I could ask webby to do it but....well Webby's a student and currently going thru his lazy-cant b arsed -phase. He assures me that by the time I get my next gig he will have fully recovered.....I'm sure this is true, and indeed I have devised a few games 'to play' with James on-air when that happens!
As for gigs, well next week I am to speak to two PCs of worth and although neither have promised anything I shall impress on them how badly the man who turned down the Beatles felt for years after. So leave it with me. Some of you have e-mailed to ask if there will be any more talksh%^te gigs and indeed there is a story to be told there.....but as I'm just getting over food poisoning and stuff I can't be bothered right now. I'm sure you understand. Remind me again and I'll fill you in!!!

Thanks to Steve for all the Art, it's amazing the skills you can pick up in prison (and they said he was beyond help, it makes your heart bleed)
Trust me when I say it's only a matter of time before once again we will be able to be together again, touching, caressing and mostly......laughing at the word 'arse'!
Well I fear my time with you, for now is sadly drawing to a close but before I go, a big congrats to the Beardy Beegee and Mrs. P as they look forward to the impending patter of little feet (probably bearded) next week sometime!

I've been asked if Webby can put up some piccies of us at Virgin.....No!, Well not until I find the few I've got and get them to him....And he puts his rear in gear and.....well its a long shot but I'll have a look!!


And finally remember NO WAR IS A GOOD WAR! And anyway, weren't we supposed to be chuckin' Bananas at Osama?


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